Ardythe Campbell
Multimedia Artist

Upcoming and Past Exhibitions

Ardythe's paintings have been exhibited at The Moorings gallery, Mahone Bay, the Lunenburg Art Gallery and the Desbrisay Museum all in Nova Scotia. She has participated in group shows in  Thornbury and Collingwood, Ontario and since returning to Waterloo County has  exhibited in the following locations.


CIGI - Centre for International Governance Innovation - Uptown Gallery Group Show, Waterloo
Kuntz House Community Gallery, Waterloo, Ontario.   "Colour Wheel" Group Show
Gallery M, 63-2 Dickson Street, Cambridge, Ontario. 
Barber Gallery, 167 Suffolk Street, Guelph, Ontario.  Group Exhibit:  Yuletide Convivencia III "Gift of the Maji". 
Wellington Artists Gallery, 6142 Wellington Rd. 29, Fergus, Ontario, Kitchener-Waterloo Society of Artists.
Homer Watson House and Gallery, Kitchener- Waterloo Society of Artists. Juried Show
Loft Gallery, Clarksburg, Ontario. Winter Theme Exhibition,  Group Show
Fleur de Soleil Gallery in The Silos, St. Jacob's, Ontario - Guest Artist - Silks
Homer Watson House and Gallery, 1754 Old Mill Rd., Kitchener, Ontario.  Kitchener-Waterloo Society of Artists,  Juried Exhibition

Homer Watson House and Gallery, 1754 Old Mill Rd., Kitchener, Ontario.

"From Heart to Hand" paintings on silk

Ardythe Campbell gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Region of Waterloo ARTS FUND

Kitchener Public Library Gallery, 85 Queen St. N., Kitchener, Ontario.  Group Exhibition.
Title:  Hidden Valley - A Celebration (or a Lament)
Kuntz House Community Gallery, Waterloo, Ontario.   "Colour Wheel" Group Show
Kitchener Public Library, Kitchener, Ontario. Solo exhibition, "Salt Air Inspirations",
Homer Watson House and Gallery, Kitchener, Ontario.  Juried Group Show, "Art of Cruickston"
Homer Watson House and Gallery, Kitchener, Ontario. Central Ontario Art Association (C.O.A.A.) Juried Exhibition
Kuntz House Community Gallery, Waterloo, Ontario. Solo Exhibition
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   all work copyright protected by Ardythe Campbell